For the ninth exams start on 28 May. On this day they can pass social studies, chemistry, literature and informatics. On 31 May the exam in math will pass, 3 June in geography, history, biology, foreign languages and physics. On 6 June ninth can pass Russian language. For the graduates of 11th grade the main wave starts 26 May.
Schedule of the main exam-time:
26 мая - geographic and literature
29 мая – Russian language
2 июня – foreign languages and physics
5 июня - mathematics
9 июня - informatics, biology, history
11 июня – social studies and chemistry
All the exams start at 10 a.m. The duration of the final exam in math and Russian language is 3 hours 55 minutes.
What can you take with you on exam (for 9th grade):
- spelling dictionary, ruler, non-programmable calculator, periodic system of chemical elements, table solubility of salts, acids and bases, pencil, geographical atlases, the full texts of works of art and collections of poetry
What can you take with you on exam (for 11th grade):
-ruler, non-programmable calculator and protractor.