Best education managers and teachers celebrated in Kazan

3 October 2014, Friday
In the lead-up to the Teacher’s Day, the best teachers, headmasters and kindergarten managers were celebrated earlier today at Republican Education Quality Monitoring Centre. Tatarstan Education and Science Minister Engel Fattakhov was a participant.

While making welcoming remarks, he told about Tatarstan’s education system, kindergarten construction and other achievements. Nineteen schools based in Tatarstan had been included in the list of Russia’s best, he said. The accomplishments were very important for the region, added the minister, wishing that more schools found their way to the top of the rankings.

The heads of the educational institutions, as well as managers of kindergarten included in the list of Russia’s best kindergartens, were honoured with Education and Science Ministry letters of commendation.

Besides, a ceremony to award teachers within the Education priority project took place. Engel Fattakhov recalled that the competition had been held since 2006, over which period 1,292 best teachers had been awarded at the expense of Russian budget and 609 done so at the expense of Tatarstan budget.

This year’s project had 462 participant teachers, 26 of whom were recognised as the best in their occupation at a federal level. The cash prizes ranged 46.5 to 100 thousand roubles.

“When the ranking was compiled, the academic achievements of pupils, results of extracurricular activities on a subject, welfare projects, use of modern education technologies, teacher’s set of methods and skills improvement continuity were taken into account,” Engel Fattakhov stressed.

In the conclusion of the ceremony, Engel Fattakhov greeted all those gathered on the upcoming trade holiday, the Teacher’s Day.
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